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"What are you hinting at on the blog?"
"what does all this implication mean?"
"are you dating?"
"are you dying?"
"buying a pachyderm?"
No really, the vagueness has been intentional. But perhaps now is a good time for some answers?
Over a year ago, I began praying about a return to missions in Asia. Which led to seeking counsel. Which led to contacting a specific ministry in Asia. And, and, and...one beautiful detail after another, it just took wing. I can't explain the delight of watching that happen. But now, all the plans and anticipation have come to a grinding halt. And friends? That's been difficult. And that is an understatement. But here's what I've been learning (and preaching to myself) through it.
Go and Stop are equal commands
Ever played the children's game Red Light, Green Light? If you have, then you might know the insider tricks. Like stretching as far forward as you can from your current position after "Red Light!" is yelled. Or shuffling a few more inches in hopes the caller won't notice. Those moves are played to our advantage in games. But not in life.
When we perceive God's stop, we must stop. It's not something to be slyly circumvented. It's also not a 'bad thing' or some how 'less than' receiving a go from God. Like a red traffic light, God's stop is simply a directive. And there is a blessing to be had in the stopping as well as the going when done in response to God's voice.
Behind an insurmountable wall can be a Divine hand
So I hit this wall a couple months ago. Couldn't find a job anywhere near this ministry in Asia. Trust me, I did all the things for a long time...and still no financial means to support myself there. Angle that how you like; it's an insurmountable wall.
But not an accident, or a problem, or a punishment. Walls in our lives can be evidence of a Divine work. God is ultimately over the circumstances of life, and we must discern whether His hand is behind the roadblocks. Because it may well be.
Worth is not sourced in activity or opinion
Can I be honest here? I felt useless and foolish when all this planning came to naught. What's my worth to God's kingdom if I can't do the biggest/best/most spiritual/most exciting thing for Him? Where'd I go wrong that I can't do this? I also dreaded others' opinions of this no. That yet another delay in what I've wanted for so long would make them question my sincerity and integrity. I feared seeing my frustration reflected in their faces and hushed tones of "Why can't she just leave that city for crying out loud..." Fear of man is an ugly taskmaster, folks. And it's taken this no for me to realize how often I put myself under his rule.
But my worth is not found in what I can do for God and what others think of that. Those will ever be variables in this life. My worth rests in something much more stable. It's rooted firm in my creation and redemption by Almighty God. End of story.
But my worth is not found in what I can do for God and what others think of that. Those will ever be variables in this life. My worth rests in something much more stable. It's rooted firm in my creation and redemption by Almighty God. End of story.
Perception must bow to reality
After the advance of this past year, God's stop seemed like a cruel slight from a controlling hand. A jolting setback. Why let me get this far to yank me back now?
It seemed that way, but it's not. My Bible says God may test, and prove, send fire, and famine, loss, and pain. He may correct and chasten or redirect. He may give or take away. And He may well say no. But He does not abuse, deceive, taunt, or mislead. He does not cast off His sons and daughters. He cannot. And appearances must bow to that. That is truth.
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So is this a no to Asia forever and ever amen? I don't think so. But right now, I'm just trying to learn these lessons well. Seeking how to best steward this love for God's work in that part of the world. (does God want me there physically? Creating resources for believers there from here? Giving more financially? Special trips?) Cultivating a sensitivity to His go and to His stop. And (working on) trusting Him be the guide.
Perhaps a longer answer than you anticipated? :) No really, if you made it this far, it's an evidence of your care and concern for me on this journey. And that makes you the best one hundredish friends a girl could have. Thank you.