Sometimes I hesitate to act in my Christian life for fear of what the result will be. As in, I don't ask God for something I think is good for fear that it will come in the form of something undesirable. I mean what if His will turns out to be something I don't want? Yet we all know that His Word says I may freely ask for things knowing that He will never give a stone or a serpent in response, right? Making my hesitation completely unfounded.

do not give to others lest you receive an overflowing return. Lk. 6:38
do not forgive those who wrong you, lest you receive Divine forgiveness. Mt. 6:14
do not lay down your life in God's service, lest in doing so, you find it. Mt. 16:25
do not leave people and places dear to you for Christ's sake, lest you receive their multiplied equivalent in this life and the next. Mark. 10:29-30
do not die to selfish desires lest you find yourself springing up with fruitful life. Jn. 12:24-25
do not douse your public life with good works, lest others see and glorify God. Matt. 5:16
do not maintain a humility and fear of the Lord, lest you overflow with riches, honor, and life. Prov. 22:4
do not keep your most costly sacrifice and passionate pursuing of Christ hidden, lest He reward you openly. Matt. 6:1-6
do not cry to the Lord, lest He hear you and deliver you out of your troubles. Ps. 3; 34:6,17
do not submit to God and resist the devil, lest you find victory and rest. Js. 4:7
do not go near the throne of grace, lest you find there a help in time of need. Heb. 4:16
do not stay your mind on God, lest you be folded in a perfect peace. Is. 26:3
do not lift up your eyes, lest you see a world ripe for Gospel harvest. Jn 4:35
do not do good to those who hate you, lest you be labeled your Heavenly Father's child. Matt. 5:44-48
do not appraise this life with its pleasure baubles, lilting voice, and shimmery accolades as the empty refuse that it is, lest you win Christ. Phil. 3:7-8
lest you win Christ.
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