Some backstory first: My church had a memorial service Tuesday night for a dear saint of God who'd recently passed into Heaven. I didn't know her well, but I'll confess to many inner hallelujahs and amens as I listened to her life rehearsed by her husband and children. It was a faithful, simple life. No fancy bells or whistles. No broad, bold-colored strokes. But the impact, folks. I'm telling you. To trace the far-reaching, eternal ripples of that would have taken much longer than those meager 45 minutes.

And my mind fills with the times I've discussed and observed aging even this past week. That march of time that will have its way with our bodies and minds. A bit of flab-jiggle I didn't notice before, a neck crease (just take me now, Jesus), dry skin from the weather. Forgetfulness. And that constant, unavoidable comparison with energetic youth (drat those two, sprightly young ladies who share my home.) Really, I'm in great health and looking good. But still this steady, plodding reality. This slow, consistent decline. This corruption.
In this context, Peter's words knocked me flat. I mean, in this life of aging, sin, darkness, and decline, you're telling me there is something left unmarred and warm-glowing? Because what ever that is, it must have tremendous power if it can escape the clutches of the inevitable.
This something is our spirit. A hidden man. But it's a certain kind or quality of spirit. One that is known by its gentleness and quietness. That spirit lives untouched even as our outward body fades and bruises with time. Many many many words have been penned about what it means to have this meek and quiet spirit. And all of them are better than my words. These two descriptors are worthy of much study and thought. Do that!
My point today is that each of us possess something as women of God. Inside us. Though our outward man perish, there's this inner man that does not. Let the years go by. Let the wrinkles crease. The metabolism slow. The body sag and the energy wane. Bring it. We will steward our bodies carefully, yes, but our best energy and our longest moments we will give to cultivating something that will not fade away. Nurturing our spirit. Pursuing a quality that remains untouched by this world. And this pursuit? Will not go unnoticed. God will see it, and call it precious to Him.
It occurs to me that is really what we were celebrating on Tuesday night. This woman was not known for her 'green' lifestyle, exercise routine, scintillating beauty, passionate force of personality...she was known for her spirit. That is what sent out ripples of impact that cannot be measured in this life. And as precious as that was to those who knew her on earth, it's even more precious to Him whom she is face to face with at this very moment.
Thank you, Jesus, for giving this to Beth so she could share the impact!