Thursday, September 24, 2015

dear women

Single Threads is not a platform for discussing current events. Mostly because I'm no good at it. But there's something about what's been trending online that I can't leave alone.  

_______poses topless for________.

 Nude photo of______makes the front of________magazine.

 _______tweets image of her...

These headlines trend all last week. And with everything in me, I want to reach past them. To take the hand of these women. To look them in the eye, and speak soft and gentle and firm. To tell them something like this...

Dear women, nudity sells. Topless will always trend. Our bodies? Always have a buyer. 

My guess is, you get this.

But I don't think you get who you are

Whether or not you feel it, like it, or believe it, you are made in the image of God. He formed you in your mother's womb. You bear in your body the indelible mark of this Creator. It's what makes you so beautiful

And get this: He didn't create you to be the way you are today.

Because everyday the world paints us glossy with its message. Liberated! Empowered! Cast off morality! Be yourself! Do what you like! It's your body. Your life. You own it. Flaunt it. Be shocking. Break down respectable. You're worth it. Want it? Get it. Do it. Live it. At all cost. 

And like the emperor in his new clothes, we believe these words. We thrash about in our power and right thinking we are making ourselves. We expose, and flaunt, manipulate, and consume. But we're not making. We're destroying.

You see, broken people will always break things. 

And the broken festers just under that shiny, painted veneer. You'll find it as a vicious gnawing for acceptance. Acrid lust eating at your very center for something, anything that hints of love. Obsession for whatever empowers, satisfies, and pleasures you. Poison of must-have-more that pushes through your veins. From the very Garden of Eden, humanity chose this path of destruction. And, try as we might, we cannot stop our feet from hitting that path the moment we're birthed into this spinning world.  

But understand this: you don't have to be this way.

Our Creator came to earth as Jesus Christ to bind up our throbbing broken. Came, and we were so enamored with our own way that we hung Him on a cross. But this was His plan all along. For in dying? He killed death. Destroyed destruction. Paid for that evil choice His creation has made. Paid it in full. Bearing all our brokenness in His own body on that cross. Smitten, so we need not be slapped senseless by our own lust anymore. Then, after three days, He rose from the grave. And in doing that?

God laid another path. 

Dear women, I'm on that path. God placed me on it the moment I believed what He'd done for me through Jesus Christ. And listen close. I mean, don't miss thisNow, those destructive desires? (yes, I have them too) They're what's broken. Their power over me? Crushed like the head of a serpent after a mighty blow. And I'm whole. 

God remade me that night I believed on Him. I'm complete. I know such perfect acceptance, love, and satisfaction in Him that there's no need to wring it from those around me. Don't need to believe this world's glitter sheen: I've the solid-real of Truth. Don't need to scream me! at all who will hear. I've found my identity in my Creator. And you can find this too. 

Dear women, you don't have to expose yourself to make yourself. You've been made. 

And though broken now, you can be made whole. 


Thursday, September 17, 2015

when God says yes

    10 steps to follow when God says no.           How to handle a Divine 'wait.' 

               Help! God won't let me!                            When the Creator is silent. 

We see titles like this all the time. And we should! As God's children, we've all experienced His no. And it can leave us feeling thwarted, discouraged, or (dare we admit it) just plain angry. But what about when God says yes? Does He say yes? To what things? Here's a few I came up with recently:

Daily mercies (Lam. 3:22-23)                     His ear when I pray (Ps. 55:17)

Grace (2 Cor. 9:8; 12:9)                            Guidance (Prov. 3:5-6)      

Wisdom (Jas. 1:5-6)                                  Strength (Is. 40:31; Ps. 37:39; 2 Cor. 12:9) 

Victory (I Cor. 10:13; Rom 7:24-25)           Enabling (I Thess. 5:24; Jn. 15:5)

Peace (Phil. 4:6-7)                                     Every thing God deems good (Ps. 34:10; 84:11) 

This list is a very small sampling made very quickly. Every promise in the Bible? Is a guaranteed yes. Every statement of positional truth? A yes. Asking God to work out His character/revealed will? Automatic yes. 

But let's rewind for a moment. I would say one of the biggest no's in my life right now is marriage. It's very real. And it affects my every day. I also know that focusing on that no can lead to depression, moral shipwreck, rebellion, crippling insecurity...we see it happen all the time, right?

And although the yes list above sparkles with spiritual truth, sometimes I'm left wondering how it applies to my real life. I mean, what about things like a spouse, a child, a raise, a job/ministry position, relief from a trial, physical healing...if there's no way to be assured a yes in these rubber-meets-the-road examples, then does the list really matter

Yes. Here's why:

When I pursue how God is saying yes and set my mind on it? When I keep on asking for those things knowing I'm going to receive them? I find that I do much more than survive under a Divine no. I thrive. I have all and abound. Plenty strength for my countless weaknesses. Peace so perfect that I can't even understand it. Not a mere shred of wisdom but a liberal, unending gush of it. Mercy new this morning and tailored to this day. Satisfaction. Deliverance. Guidance. Victory...and these? Dramatically impact my real life. 

When I claim this list of Divine yes, the no shrinks into perspective. It's no longer a massive, suffocating blanket. It's a mere thread woven into the beautiful pattern God is working in my life. A pattern that, if I could zoom out far enough, would appear to be the biggest yes possible: I am working all together for your good and My glory. (Rom. 8:28) 


Like a prism reflecting the afternoon light, the Divine yes shines on every part of our lives. Dancing into hidden corners of fear and worry. Beaming onto shadows of pain and loss. Making the normal surroundings of God-given responsibilities glow with warmth and beauty. God is always saying yes. Yes to being with us (Heb. 13:5-6). Yes to being for us (Rom 8:31). Yes to being in us (Col 1:27; Gal. 2:20). And working through us (Phil. 4:13)...

So the question changes. It's no longer when will God stop saying no to_______? But how is He saying yes? And that, my friend, is a question with an answer as wide as eternity and as infinite as God Himself. 


Thursday, September 3, 2015

but what is MY role?

I tip-toe stretch against the glass display and throw my voice over the lunchtime din: flatbread, pepperjack, toasted, everything but cucumbers, with oregano please! It's gonna be my own special bundle of sandwich bliss. I'm drooling.

And I'm pretty used to personalizing things like this. Have it your way!..You asked for it? we delivered!...Full customization!!!...We live in a buffet style, pick and choose culture. It's all around us. We expect nothing less.

But singles can carry this mindset into Scripture. We open our Bibles and are sorely disappointed to find no customized road map. We hit passage after passage tailored to wives and husbands and parents, but us? Not so much. So, because there's no First and Second Song of Singleness, I guess we're left to muck about in sub-par existence until we're launched into the upper echelons of instruction on marital and parental bliss. 

oh well...sigh...(empty pause)...

OR, could it be that in our search for tiny shreds of customized truth, we've forgotten the instruction we already have? Instruction that, if applied, would bring the satisfaction and focus to our single lives we so long for? This line of thought has me captivated. Here's a bit of what I'm learning...

1. I have a role in Christ

I'm His workmanship. Delivered from the kingdom of darkness and translated into the kingdom of His dear Son. Joint-heir with Christ. In the household of faith. I've become a child of God. You know these passages and more. 

This role comes with tremendous instruction. Instruction like, be kind. Forgive. Come boldly before the throne of grace. Don't let sin reign in your body. Exercise towards godliness. Be filled with the Spirit. Provoke believers to good works. Redeem the time. And that's just a sampling. Working out my role in Christ is the most rewarding focus I can have. It's tied to my very identity. Don't marginalize it in pursuit of something more 'single-ish'. 

2. I have a role in the body of Christ

Singles can feel and act like misfits in the church. I won't be missed if I don't go today. I'm just one, so my gifts/input have no value. My married peers are given much more respect and attention. No one understands my single life. There's no real ministry for me. So we stop attending, or church hop seeking for more singles. A constant search to fit in. 

But Christ has already fit us in. Do I believe that? That God has set me in the body of Christ just as He desires? That He's fitly joined me together with those in my church? That I have an effectual measure necessary for the body to make increase of itself in love? That my gifts are for building up the body of Christ? That as a joint I have something to supply that no one else can? A body part's value lies in its healthy attachment to other members, not apart from them or in a grouping of the same part. If it detaches from the body everybody suffers.

Don't take this role in the body of Christ and its wealth of instruction lightly. Pray, seek counsel, and work at applying it. You will become one of the most satisfied singles around. You'll be doing what you were created and positioned to do. 

3. I have a role as an unmarried believer

I Corinthians 7 makes a great study that I'm not about to touch with a ten foot pole. But Paul makes an instructive observation there. The married person is to focus on caring for their spouse, how they can please them. The single? Is to care for the things of the Lord, how they can please Him. 

This role for the single looks like undivided attention. How can I use this money to please the Lord? There's no financial constraints of a family to consider. How can I tailor my time to care for the things of the Lord? I don't have to be home to bathe the kiddos. Lord, how should I plan/prepare for ministering to the body of Christ? I can go and do with abandon. Everyday, I can focus solely on caring for the things of the Lord and pleasing Him. In every thing. That's breathtaking. Don't ignore it. 

I confess that I found myself thinking "Yes, but..." several times while writing this. But that's never the right response to Bible truth, is it. These roles aren't options on the smorgasbord of single life. I can't dismiss them as I revel in my individual freestyle or pine away for something else (both tendencies of mine.) I also found that there's enough instruction within these three roles to keep me busy, focused, and satisfied until Christ returns. And I'm pretty sure...

There's more than enough grace to do just that. 
