Thursday, September 15, 2016

dear blog, I miss you. send chocolate.

And I want you to know that I’ve not forgotten how close we’d become! How you’ve allowed me to confess, and relate, and instruct, and remember, and record so much of life and God. You’ve given a platform to my hurt, and hope, and ‘I feel so strongly about this right now that if I don’t share it somehow the words will sear right through me…”

 Thank you.

But these last few weeks, you know?

What?! You DON’T know?

Oh yeah, I guess you wouldn’t. So let me tell ya’, they ain’t been so normal-like.

As in, God gave me a new house. I mean, something I’d been praying about for months. A move that had to happen, but I was still in the wait-until-Fall, be-anxious-then-pray-about-it phase.  And God up and hands it to me. It’s just a rental, but blog: I get to live alone in these here 800sq. ft. that look like me surrounded with all of my tiny, precious things. I would never think of telling you that at 33yrs. old, living alone is a big deal. SO the last few weeks have me all settling in, and wandering from room to room marveling at God’s generous hand while forgetting/remembering the list of 35 things that must be done in each room before I can label it unpacked.

But wait, there’s more!

As in, God gave me a new job.  Something I’d prayed for over a year. Prayed, “God, I want to feel settled here in my city, not just content to stick around. But I need these 40hrs. of my week to be fulfilling; something that will let me steward the skills you’ve given me. And God, I’ll just be honest, I think what I’d like the most is working in a small, young business here. Or a medical office. You know how I love the human body, and helping people find healing…” (seriously, folks. I prayed that.) SO God up and gave me a job in a small, young, medical office. Out of the blue, folks. Dropped it in my lap. And I would never tell you that I get goosebumps at some point every day watching people find relief from pain, and working with two of the coolest, most intelligent people I’ve ever met. SO, the last few weeks? Have me all overwhelmed with the newness of this position and finding out daily how God has fit me for it.

But wait, there’s more!

As in, God gave me a new ministry. I GET TO TEACH ADULTS, YO!!!!! (but don’t spread it around: I might get the big head.) Something I’d prayed about…well, let’s just say I’d prayed about it. And in these same here last few weeks, God hands me an adult SS class at my church. For a whole semester I get to study and create lessons for this class. And then TEACH them MYSELF. What kind of God does that for His children? Just peeks into the depths of their hearts, finds a hidden, strongly-burning desire there, and says, “Ya, that one. That’s the one I’m going to give them next.”  SO the last few weeks? Have me in study Heaven most every spare moment. And I would never tell you how much that means to me. It may show my inner nerd too clearly. 

And honestly, if there were fine print at the end of this post it would include even more that’s happened this last month. Like seeing another hymn text published in collaboration with a dear friend. Another friend handing me the most beautifully crafted, textile work of art I’ve ever seen (hint: it swishes).  Dusting off a personal computer that someone gave me last year, and finding out it’s exactly suited to blogging, text writing, lesson planning, and perhaps even empire building. These few weeks also included a bubbling hot, cheesy casserole delivered to my door at suppertime. (who even thinks to do that for a single lady? Apparently, my God does.) And God’s given me two hilarious cats that hang around outside my house, and one dog that hangs out at my feet at work. (Y’allllllllll……..) to an animal lover like me? Yep. I have no idea what's going to happen next. 

So what’s this all mean? Well, dear blog, I miss you. And I’m eager and bursting with ideas to get our relationship back up and running. But these last few weeks….you know? Well, now you know.

And all this amazing has me all riding high and the air’s a bit thin up here so I’m a bit unfocused, and squeaky-voiced, and I-may-burst-into-tears-at-any-moment.  Things will settle into a new normal. They always have. But until then, I’m just asking for your patience and understanding.

And if you’re so inclined, send chocolate.



  1. "How very rich are God’s wisdom and knowledge!
    How he judges is more than we can understand!
    The way he deals with people is more than we can know!"
    Romans 11.33 about sums it up. Love all He is doing in and through you. Blessings on all the new that has been and is to come!

    1. And blessings on you for the role you've played!

  2. My heart is totally thrilled at all God is doing for you. Thank you for sharing!
