Monday, October 13, 2014

Welcome to my blog!

So, what's up with the blog name? 

Excellent question. 

Because (as many of you know) I have woefully little skill in sewing on a button, much less the intricacies of weaving fabric. This blog is NOT about those things. So if you need pointers on that stuff, I kindly direct you to Pintrest or Google. 

Take a look at my blog background. 
Can you see the overall design or pattern in the fabric? Good. Now take a closer look. The individual threads running through the fabric are very different. Different textures. Different colors. Different hues of the same color...

 If you're a Christian, the overall design or pattern of your life probably looks similar to mine. As born again believers, God is "weaving" the every day details of our lives together to form us into the image of Christ. So you can expect a smattering of posts that share spiritual lessons God is teaching me about this design. 

But the individual threads of each life are unique. Here's a few of mine: 

Thread #1 I'm a single woman. Which once and a while leaves me time to contemplate my existence like so...

Thread #2 working professional. A pic of where the magic happens:

Thread #3 adventure lover. (Ironically, I could not find a picture of a recent adventure. oops.) 
Thread #4 aspiring reader.  If you add a John Wayne biography which isn't available at the moment, this is what's on tap right now. 

Thread #5 lover of family and fun. Hey, someone has to teach the nieces and nephews the art of hilarity. This is greatly appreciated among my married siblings...I think. 

 And if I had to pick one thread of my life that I am most passionate about right now, it would be what I am discovering about the single life God has me in currently. You can expect the majority of the blog to focus on this. 

Why a blog? Everybody blogs. And many blog about being single. 

Good point! Here's some back story:  

  • Over the last year my love of writing has skyrocketed and many have encouraged me to throw it out there for a wider audience. 

  • Christian singleness is often misunderstood. And if I can chip even a tiny corner piece off of this misunderstanding, this blog will be a success. 

  • The more I understand your life and you understand mine, the more skillfully we can minister to each other as members of the body of Christ. (So fill my comment section with your observations and thoughts, friends!)

  • And lastly, I love my single life (and sometimes I really don't) and writing provides a platform for you to keep me accountable in it. 

I interrupt this post to bring a picture of the the fall foliage down my driveway...

You're welcome.

Beth, you say, aren't you dooming yourself to a life of singleness by launching an entire blog about it? I certainly hope not. And I think "double threads: the weaving of two lives" or something like that has a nice ring to it (get it? ring?) when God chooses to make that change.

Got it? Good. And thank you in advance for sharing in these single threads.  


Coming soon: 

When you find yourself on the road less taken: A philosophy of singleness


  1. hey, just me checking to see if the comment section works. ~Beth

  2. Great thoughts Beth! I truly look forward to hearing what you have learned through your life.

  3. I love it, Beth! I will be following closely.

  4. This is awesomesauce, and I will *definitely* be following every post.

  5. Love it, Beth! And so thankful for the way God has woven you into our family. <3

  6. Count me in as a follower! I miss our random long chats so this can take the place of those until I come to visit and we can once again chat in person =)

  7. Look forward to reading more posts!

  8. Awesome! I've been looking forward to this ever since you announced its possibility a few weeks ago on Facebook. Definitely fun to read and I look forward to what the Lord leads you to write down the road!

  9. Beth,
    I'm very glad your sister shared this with me. Your posts are fun to read, yet very thought-provoking and practical. I'm looking forward to reading more in the future.

    1. Lauren! Thank you for "stopping in". Keep an eye on that sister of mine...

  10. Hey Beth,
    Hannah mentioned you started a blog and I decided to hop over and read it. I don't have the time now but if I did I would read every post you have written so far. I love your sense of humor! Looking forward to reading more!
    MaryAnn Sanders
    from the cold state up north

    1. Hello MaryAnn! Thank you for taking the time to read and comment! Give your mom a hug for me. And STAY WARM up there.
