Wednesday, December 31, 2014

anticipating 2015 and beyond

New Year's here!

Tis the season of anticipation. And many are the goals, hopes, and plans for least if my facebook page is any predictor. 

But for me, anticipation is a guilty pleasure every day of the year. Whether it's going to an event, an upcoming vacation, hanging out with friends, cup of decaf after work...ANYTHING. I want to know about it before hand. The anticipation actually trumps the event for me most times. I savor it. 

This addiction can have an ugly underbelly though. Like when ringing in the new year gets me thinking about what singleness may look like 10, 25, 40 years from now. And I start anticipating...

  • The possibility of never having my own family. 
  • The death of a loved one without the support of a spouse.   
  • The day when I will fall, become violently ill, break a bone, find an antediluvian- sized arachnid...while alone in my home.  
  •  Supporting myself financially as I age. 
  • Who will care for me when I grow old and can't live by myself.

I start to predict a life that, if it maintains its current path, will lead me near horrifying and gloomy possibilities. But is anticipation even Biblical? I recently asked myself this question and (though worthy of deeper study) here's a few of my conclusions:

1. I can anticipate grace. 

The whole of Scripture sings this song. Grace always in all things. in every possibility, at every age. Sufficient in every way that I am deficient. Grace to obey and to act as God's child. More grace. Heaps of  'grace upon grace' as John 1 puts it. 

2. I can anticipate God's loving kindness. 

God's Word says it. Says His loving kindnesses are new every morning. Says His steadfast love endures forever. No famine, or disease, or any person, or even death can separate me from it. How high are the Heavens from the earth? The reserves of God's loving kindness rise that high. Plenty and more for all my years.  

3. I can anticipate the provision of every need.

God will supply my needs in measure to His inexhaustible Heavenly resources. His children need not fear the possibility of begging bread. I shall not want. Consider how God sustains creation. How much more will He sustain one made in His own image? He knows what I need before I even ask Him.  And He will never give me something useless or hurtful.

4. I can anticipate that God will always hear my voice. 

His ear is open to my cry and inclined toward me to catch every word. All the time. If my path runs along mountains of loss, sheer cliffs of physical disability, unstable ground of feeble age...wherever these next years find me, it will always be within ear shot of my Heavenly Father. And He tells me to keep on keeping on bringing my requests before Him. 

But if, in this life, there are heartaches, weaknesses, disappointments that run so deep no words can voice them, the Holy Spirit will take up my cry for me. The triune God praying, listening, and answering all for me. Expect that.

5. I can anticipate an eternity of joy and rest with my Savior in Heaven.

Nothing can pluck me out of the hands that are gently and steadily carrying me there. Towards an eternity of no tears. Out of a clouded, dim understanding into a forever of face to face.  Let that sink in, friend. 

In this life there will be death. There will be a defiling of things and people. A fading of loves, wealth, quality of life... But take no thought for these things. There is a fullness of joy waiting for us in the presence of God in Heaven. Our inheritance there is imperishable and undefiled. It will not fade away. It's reserved for us. 


So whether this new year appears chock full of bonhomie or bah humbug from your current point of view, place your anticipation on sure footing before you begin. Place it on the Word of God.

And you will not be disappointed. 



  1. Thank you, Beth! That was a blessing to read!

  2. Thank you, Angela! And Happy New Year!

  3. From someone who is at 'the other end of all that was said, AMEN! As the song goes, "My Lord knows the way through the wilderness, all I have to do is follow...Thank you, Lord, for keeping your promises to me.
