Thursday, May 28, 2015

if you're single, do this (a visual guide)

I'm always looking for things to rejoice over. Things unique to this single season. 

So, as I've done previously, today I'm sharing another list of those things. They're not meant to make marrieds feel badly or singles feel "gloat-y." And some of them are just silly. But since I'm attempting to grow in how to leverage these blessings to minister to those around me, you'll find some more practical ways to spread the joy in this list too. And some random pics thrown in just to keep you scrolling. 

If you're single, do this:


Some married friends told me once, "Beth, when we go to the downtown Farmer's Market early Saturday morning, it's because our kids wake up that early, and we've got to do something to keep them entertained. But who do we find when we get down there? All our single friends! And we're like, 'what are you DOING here? You could be sleeping!' " 

So take their advice, and as a single, get enough sleep. Make it a priority to care of your body this way. It's easy to get pulled so many directions that this gets cast aside. But we will be most useful to God and others if we are good stewards of our bodies. And it's our privilege as singles to be able to carve out that time in life right now. Do it! 

Decorate with breakables 

If you like them. Or have them. (Or your housemate has gorgeous ones), display them! It's a unique to single- and-no-children-privilege. Settle in and make your living quarters a reflection of what you love. (just be ready to move things to a higher shelf before you entertain) 

Revel in the bedhead

Like this little sweetheart I found growing out of my head when I woke up a few months ago. Why is this a single thing? No reason, really. I guess you just don't have to worry about scaring loved ones so bad they run screaming into the nearest wall first thing in the morning. 

buy cool stuff in small portions

Like this watermelon labeled "personal melon" at the grocery the other day. It drew this marketing sucker to it like an ant to a jelly sandwich, and I couldn't resist! Beth-sized! So buy things like food, home supplies, small awesome packaging if you like. It's your privilege. 

Eat take out (or simply, out) 

Like this picture of the amazing Cuban take-out that's a staple in my home. You're single, and eating out as "one" is pretty reasonable. So (if you're like me) and you enjoy eating out and not cooking after 8hrs of work, do it. And consider asking out another single, or a small family as the budget allows. Or offer to bring a "splurge item" to a meal at a family's home. A single budget can have more flex room for this kind of thing. It's your privilege! 

Soak up friend time

God has blessed me with an amazing and ever-increasing gaggle of friends. And in a normal week I meet with many them individually and in various combinations. 

This contact is intentional. We love getting together to do diverse and sundry awesome things. But I'm oh so aware that my married friends do not do this. They can't minister (and be ministered to) by friends as easily as a single can.

So use this freedom to it's greatest advantage: Plant as many seeds of kindness, goodness, mercy, joy, the soil of your friendships as you can every week. The impact is powerful. And you'll be blessed in return. It's your privilege. 

Enjoy quiet 

We are all commanded to "be still, and know" that God is...well, God. But as singles, it's a bit easier for us to carve out quiet times for that most sacred task. The demands on our lives are legion, but they don't come in the form of children and spouse in our very homes right now. This is unique to our season of life. 

So, as I was challenged to do many moons ago (and I'm still working on implementing), find those pockets of time in your single life and bend them into times of worship. Enjoy the quiet in the best possible way it could be enjoyed. It's your privilege. 


Save up those vacation days or "in-between" times. Sky's the limit for how you use them. 

Like my friend who's in between education and the next step, so she's taking her talent in graphic design out West to use it in local churches.  

Another single I know takes their vacation time every summer to visit different missionaries her church supports. 

Another friend? He's put his career on hold and  traveled with an evangelistic team. 

Fact is, singles can lift up roots and travel somewhat easily. We're some of the most movable pieces on the board of life. Glory in the move-ability. Leverage it for ministry. It's your privilege.

If you're single, rejoice!

And do these.  


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